The Responsibilities of a Paediatric Physiotherapist

The Responsibilities of a Paediatric Physiotherapist

A paediatric physiotherapist is highly instrumental in the physique rehabilitation of children who suffer from disabilities, injuries or other conditions that make them unable to move or carry out daily activities. The primary responsibilities of a pediatric physiotherapist are examining the child, determining their treatment plan and helping the child regain their ability to move normally.

The first essential element of being a paediatric physiotherapist is to assess each child thoroughly. It is followed by examination, such as observing posture and gait and testing muscle strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and motor skills (this includes walking, jumping or running). The therapist should also identify impaired body functions and structures, for instance, in cerebral palsy cases or fractures.

After evaluating them accordingly, developing individualized treatment programs that define short-term and long-term goals towards enhancing functional capacity is another primary responsibility played by these professionals. For instance, one may be designed to enable an infant suffering from.

In case of sprains, among others, like joint range motion increase, gradual targets shall be set by physical therapists while rebuilding strength would be desired for any injured person, too. Plans include appropriate therapies, frequency sessions at home programs for parents/caregivers, equipment needs like orthotics, etc., and monitoring tools used when tracking progressions; moreover, changes are made depending upon how far each milestone has been achieved by the children involved.

Mainly, this work consists of administering therapeutic exercises and physical techniques, among many others, done by these practitioners exclusively dealing with kids. One vital duty they have involves using different hands-on techniques aimed at improving joint/muscle function, reducing pain, overcoming movement disorders, and preventing deformities. Therapists design interventions that target impairments in individual children and often use play games and functional goals to promote involvement.

The physiotherapist gives detailed home programs so parents can support therapy sessions at home.  Furthermore, therapists counsel on managing a child’s condition, handling behaviors, modifying home environments, and acquiring orthotics/ wheelchairs/ assistive technologies if necessary.

The other additional roles pediatric physiotherapists play are continuous child assessment and reporting progress. Monthly evaluations monitor functional improvements discussed with the medical teams in charge of these patients. At the same time, detailed progress reports plus treatment summaries are kept for outcomes monitoring purposes advising necessary modifications towards achieving therapeutic objectives.


Paediatric physiotherapists must communicate effectively and engage in teamwork too, mainly when dealing directly with doctors, nurses, orthoptists, psychologists, care managers, teachers, community workers, etc., because they need constant liaison amongst themselves, thus creating a joint supportive system across all disciplines involved, thereby facilitating children’s development process smoothly leading optimal functionality.